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Clermont & Schwab, Employment Discrimination Plaintiffs in Federal Court: From Bad to Worse?, 3 Harv. L. & Pol’y Rev. 103 (2009)
Clermont & Eisenberg, CAFA Judicata: A Tale of Waste and Politics, 156 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1553 (2008)
Clermont & Eisenberg, Foreigners’ Fate in America’s Courts: Empirical Legal Research, 1 Academia Sinica L.J. 237 (2007)
Clermont & Eisenberg, Xenophilia or Xenophobia in U.S. Courts? Before and After 9/11, 4 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 441 (2007)
Clermont, Eisenberg & Schwab, How Employment-Discrimination Plaintiffs Fare in the Federal Courts of Appeals, 7 Employee Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 547 (2004)
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Clermont & Eisenberg, Plaintiphobia
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Clermont & Eisenberg, Anti-Plaintiff Bias in the Federal Appellate
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Clermont & Eisenberg, Do
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Clermont & Eisenberg, Xenophilia
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Eisenberg & Clermont, Courts
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Eisenberg & Clermont, Trial by Jury or Judge: Which Is Speedier?,
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in Westlaw)
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Exorcising the Evil of Forum-Shopping, 80 Cornell L. Rev. 1507 (1995)
Clermont & Eisenberg,
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1124 (1992), reprinted in Nat'l Trial Law., Jan. 1993, at 44,
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